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How To Pray (Pack Of 25)(Booklets)

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SKU: 9781682163825



The “Lord’s Prayer” is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. And by his example, he showed them the need for time alone with the Father in prayer. We too must set aside time to talk with God and read his Word. The following are suggestions for your time with God:

1. NECESSITY OF PRAYER. Jesus taught that prayer is not an option—something to do when we “feel like it”—it is a God-given responsibility. Few of us “find time” to pray, but we must make the time (Ephesians 5:16).

2. THE BIBLE. The Bible and prayer go hand in hand. Pray as you read, and meditate on God’s Word as you pray. As you read the Bible, praise God for what he reveals of himself and pray for strength and wisdom to obey his commands. Try using the prayers of the Bible as patterns: Matthew 6:9–13; Ephesians 1:15–23; Ephesians 3:14–21; and the Psalms are excellent inspirations.

3. PRAYER LIST. A list of prayer requests reminds you of specific needs and will keep your mind from wandering. By recording how God has answered a request, you will be encouraged to keep praying. But don’t let this steal your spontaneity. You are praying to a Person, not compiling a list!

4. PRAYER PARTNER. To help you pray consistently, ask God for a friend with whom you can share and pray. Meeting regularly provides mutual encouragement.

5. DISTRACTIONS. Because prayer is spiritual warfare, Satan will try to distract you. Ask God to help you pray regularly and he will direct you. If you have trouble with wandering thoughts, try changing positions, praying aloud, consulting a prayer list and your Bible, singing a hymn, or whatever you find most effective. But whatever you do, pray!

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