The 4 Habits Of Joy Filled Marriages (Paperback)
Healthy relationships regularly produce joy, and joy keeps the relationship healthy. But this kind of happiness and health in marriage isn’t just for the lucky few who stumble upon it. It turns out, certain relational skills boost your happiness. Marcus Warner and Chris Coursney will teach you how to develop those skills and how to:
• return to joy more quickly after disconnection
• create stronger bonds and elongate times of happiness
• boost your enjoyment of physical and emotional intimacy
As they’ve studied couples they’ve discovered there are 4 habits that all joy-filled marriages have in common:
• Appreciate
• Validate
• Play
• Rest
After each chapter, you’re given 5-minute exercises, which done 3 times a day are proven to increase happiness in marriage. PLUS! There’s tons more exercises in the back of the book! Get started today, and make your love the best it can be.
• return to joy more quickly after disconnection
• create stronger bonds and elongate times of happiness
• boost your enjoyment of physical and emotional intimacy
As they’ve studied couples they’ve discovered there are 4 habits that all joy-filled marriages have in common:
• Appreciate
• Validate
• Play
• Rest
After each chapter, you’re given 5-minute exercises, which done 3 times a day are proven to increase happiness in marriage. PLUS! There’s tons more exercises in the back of the book! Get started today, and make your love the best it can be.